What I stand for.
Poets Against The War, ca. 2003...and still counting. We can't continue waging endless wars.
The book "Cry Out: Poets Against The War" - introduction with words from John Winthrop, the 1st Governor of the Bay Colony.
Introduction: Poets Against the War (2003)
End Endless War Economy
This concludes Poets Against the War section.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
How I met Jack Healy
Universal Declaration of Human Rights- Continued
Reversing Citizens United Story - this is how we made Vermont the first state to call for the reversal of Citizens United- it also prompted me to run for political office.
National Debt
National Debt #2
Repeal the Patriot Act
Repeal the Patriot Act continued
Prioritizing Health through safe food and regenerative agriculture
Upholding Bodily Autonomy and freedom of choice
Upholding Bodily Autonomy and freedom of choice
Upholding Bodily Autonomy and freedom of choice
Respecting Natural Environment
Respecting Natural Environment 2
Respecting Natural Environment 3
Create alternative Economy
Create alternative Economy 2
Citizens united #1
Citizens united #2
Citizens united #3
Citizens united #4
Citizens united #5
Citizens united #6
Citizens united #7
Citizens united #8