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Steve Berry's distinguished career has taken him from the bucolic shores of Lake Eden in the heart of northern Vermont to major cities across America. He has worked with many diverse populations in America and abroad, offering common sense solutions to address specific individual and community needs wherever he has been. His accomplishments include:

  • Founding an Inner-City Soup Kitchen (serving millions of meals in St. Louis)

  • Establishing a Model Interfaith Program in Queens, NY

  • Creating a Learning Center in partnership with a major university in LA

  • Initiating a Film Award Program that attracted directors such as David Lynch and Randall Wallace (Braveheart)

Partnerships include:

  • Millard Fuller, Founder of Habitat for Humanity

  • Collaboration with the Captain of the Rampart Division of the LAPD to clean up a derelict park and create safe spaces in the inner city for families and children

  • Serving as an ordained Congregational Pastor and Teacher, becoming a chaplain in the LAPD

Steve has received numerous awards for his humanitarian work and activism, including recognition from the Mayor of Los Angeles and the United Nations Association, where he received the Ralph Bunche Peace Award.  In Vermont:

  • Collaborated with Human Rights Pioneer Jack Healey to make Vermont the first state to adopt a resolution honoring the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • Led the Vermont initiative with Sen. Dick Sears and Sen. Ginny Lyons to have Vermont become the first state to call for the reversal of Citizens United

Steve was elected to the Vermont House of Representatives and served on the House Human Services committee. He represented Vermont in the Assembly of State Legislators, where he was on the Executive Committee.


Currently, he is leading efforts to preserve southern Vermont meetinghouses, including the historic 1786 Rupert Meetinghouse of the Congregational Church of Rupert, VT — the oldest meetinghouse in continuous operation in the state. As the Ordained Minister at the Congregational Church, Steve also serves as an educator and innovator and has mentored 11 licensed ministers in his effort to maintain Vermont's meetinghouses as vital centers of community life.


 Think Anew and Act Anew 

Among the most important lessons we can learn in life is something we have to unlearn, which is the lie that all life is ruthlessly competitive. We know better. We know better because we have loving friendships and relationships that are creative, cooperative, caring and compassionate.

My campaign for the United States Senate is not built on competition and rivalry but rather upon the belief that we all must take the bold challenged of President Abraham Lincoln to “think anew and act anew, to disenthrall,” so we can save our country.
Lincoln wrote, “I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”

Inspired by Lincoln I have declared my independence and have disentralled from the duopoly that has corrupted the ideals that are the bedrock of America - among them freedom and unity upon which the state of Vermont stands.



Relevant Experience as Educator, Innovator, and Ordained Minister


  • Running for US Senate on a platform of Renewing Freedom and Unity for Vermonters.


  • Undertook two major book projects on the Global Meetinghouse and transitioning from Forever War and Corporate Capture to grassroots empowerment and democratic autonomy.

2017 – Present

  • Pastor and Teacher at Congregational Church of Rupert, VT.

  • Leader at the historic 1786 Rupert Meetinghouse, raised funds for operations and rehabilitation, and offered community programs.

2019 – 2021

  • Board of Directors, Campaign Non-Violence International, Pace e Bene.

2017 – 2023

  • Board of Directors, SolarFest, Brandon, Vermont.

2015 – Present

  • Started the Pastoral Preparation Program in Vermont, training bi-vocational ministers.

2014 – 2016

  • Elected to the Vermont General Assembly on a platform of regenerative agriculture and healthy living.


  • Worked on reversing Citizens United with notable figures and Vermont State Senators.

2014 – Present

  • Executive Director and Founder of Global Meetinghouse Enterprises LLC and My State Is Great.


  • Adjunct Faculty at Center for Arts and Religious Education, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA.


  • Introduced the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the Vermont Legislature.


  • Lecturer at The Colloquium on Religion and Violence in Germany and UC Riverside.


  • Produced an eleven-hour video interview with Rene Girard.

Various Years

  • Taught various courses on religion, community, and compassion in Vermont.

Documentary Filmmaker

  • Produced films including "Armed with the Spirit" and "A Just Peace Church."

Published Articles

  • Featured in Lectionary Homiletics, The Plain Truth Magazine, Vermont Magazine, and The Congregationalist.

Local Organizer

  • Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, St. Louis/New York.

Press Secretary

  • Served John B. Anderson, independent presidential candidate.


  • Wrote the RFP for Cable Television Standards and Practices for St. Louis.

Professional Experience


  • "Reading the Bible with Rene Girard" (2015), "Just Jesus: My Struggle to Become Human" (2014), and contributing author to "Buffalo Shout, Salmon Cry" (2012).

Associate Minister (PT), Federated Church of Castleton, VT (2011 – Present)

  • Preaching, teaching, and leading care team initiatives.

Senior Minister, First Congregational Church, Manchester, VT (2001 – 2009)

  • Expanded church programs, raised $1.4 million for renovations, and organized community events.

Senior Minister, First Congregational Church, Los Angeles, CA (1991 – 2001)

  • Tripled membership, developed community programs, and raised millions for church expansion.

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